Hydro Greenhouse 2™
Tabletop Hydroponic
Hydro Greenhouse 2™ demonstrates the agriculture technology of the future. Grow real fruits, vegetables, herbs, plants and flowers using liquid nutrient instead of soil! It's non-electric, so it's safe to operate anywhere, indoors or out. And it's easy to use. It automatically feeds and waters for up to two weeks between refills. Easily fits on counter or table top. Just add seeds and water and watch 'em grow!
Ages 8 and up
Adult assistance recommended
• Planting bed
• Greenhouse incubator
• Auto feed system
• 24 oz. nutrient reservoir
• Refill indicator
• Inert growing gravel
• Nutrient mix
• Gardening tools
• Illustrated, informative Guide to Hydroponic Gardening
Seeds not included